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Nov 23, 2017

On this week’s episode Alan Vickers and Karl Madden discuss the latest Apple and technology related news. The HomePod delay is revisited following a report that Apple was caught out by the Echo. US citizens get a new Thanksgiving Apple Watch Challenge, but what about the rest of us? An old Lisa goes up for sale. Law enforcement want access to another iPhone. The UK Government looks at Gig Economy Workers. Uber bets on Autonomous vehicles but Jeremy Clarkson is far from impressed by them, all this and slightly more on this week’s episode.


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  • This Month's Wonderful 'The One with the Shout Out' Funders: Teresa Hummel, Steven Leach, Matt Barton, Ron Poyotte, Gordon Jackson & Paul Beattie. Thank you for our contributors of smaller donations. Your support is greatly appreciated. 

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