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Mar 26, 2015

This week we are fully manned even though Ric is away on Paternity leave (congratulations Sir). Callum Petras and Mark Chappell (EssentialMac) join Matt, Barry and Karl to go over the weeks Apple related news and bring their usual slightly sideways look of the weeks headlines and events. 

MP’s Get iPads.

New Channels...

Mar 19, 2015

After another week we have escaped once more to do yet another show. This week Ric, Matt and Karl or joined by both Alex G. Fox  and Guy Serle (The MyMac Podcast) to discuss the weeks news and share their opinions after a week of musing Apple recent announcements.

Also, as a special bonus the guys perform a live read of...

Mar 12, 2015

With Matt away on secret manoeuvres Alex G. Fox  joins Ric, Barry and Karl to look at this weeks Apple Announcement. What did they make of the new MacBook and who is going to be getting an Apple Watch? 

A Cheaper TV

ResearchKit For All.

A Sexy MacBook

Divided On a Watch

Worth a Tweet:

Karl: Moovit
Alex: JPEGmini

Mar 5, 2015

With only a few days to Apple next launch event it’s time to yet again play The Mac & Forth Quiz Of What Will Be Announced…catchy title huh?
Ric, Matt, Barry and Karl are joined by Dr. Richard Harkness (Human V2) to try and predict what will be revealed next Monday. Also, you have the opportunity of challenging our...