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Apr 30, 2014

Another week and RicBaz and Karl are joined by Alex and go over the week’s Apple related news with a large magnifying glass and pick at it with small pairs of tweezers.

New MacBook Airs.
Oh ComiXology, what have you become?
ET didn’t go home, they buried him.
Ahrendts reports for duty.
Bigger than iTunes.

Apr 23, 2014

This week the usual rabble of Ric, Matt, Baz and Karl are joined by the Grand Jedi Master of Sceencasts, the much revered Don McAllister. He is on hand to bring some order to our usual chaotic proceedings….or, do we corrupt him and turn him to the dark side? Bwahahahah!!!!

Nessie? Is that you?
Exclusives for...

Apr 21, 2014

Alex and Karl head off into the heart of London to use the iPhone to capture some shots around Westminster and show what a few simple taps on the phone’s native photo app can produce.

Fox’s Foto Forum Post about the subject.

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Apr 16, 2014

This week Ric, Matt, Baz and Karl are going solo, (well, if you can count four people as going solo, which you can’t really, but never mind) as they track down the weeks Apple related news and wax lyrical about semi-related topics.

Apple gets into the real power business.
Laptop Thief busted, eventually.
Carplay for...

Apr 14, 2014

This week Karl is joined by Russ Clewett to discuss the new Adobe Lightroom Mobile App. How has Russ found using the companion app on his iPad and are subscription models the way to go moving forward?

Apps Discussed:
Adobe Lightroom Mobile
Pixelmator for Mac
Acorn for Mac

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