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Oct 1, 2014

Although Ric is away this week doing Ric related things Matt, Barry and Karl remain to discuss the week’s Apple news. This week they are joined by Robert Falck who will surely bring some sensibilities to the whole proceedings….then again…Also Karl gets to show off his lack of knowledge…again.

Healthkit app jog into view.

Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ That would be bad.

The Bend Street Kids

Apple and Shellshock

Ello you say?

Apple calls off the Launcher.

The MacMedics

If you have an issue for the MadMedics please email us and we’ll see if we can offer a diagnosis. 

Worth a Tweet:

Karl: FIFA 15 Ultimate Team by EA Sports
Karl 2: Mac Bundle $49.99 — Ends Sunday
Karl: Get Backup Pro £2.99 75% off until Oct 4th.
Matt: Icipio Case
hat-Room (Serenak): Affinity Designer
Barry: Oolite: An Open-World Space Opera

Please take the time to submit us a review in iTunes or at least give us a few stars so we may decorate the place, they look so much nicer than throw pillows.

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Theme Music by: Russ Clewett
News Roundup read by: Missy

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