Nov 5, 2014
This week Barry, Matt, Ric and Karl return to discuss the week’s Apple related news and rumours and are joined by Alan Vickers (The Deep Dive Guide to Microsoft Word for iPad). Probably more rumours than news this week and more inane banter than news…In fact you could basically say the guys return and talk nonsense for a bit then go away again…Yeah, that about sums it up, so it’s business as usual really.
Trent Reznor: Five Inch iPhones
Unbendable iPhone 6+….nope.
Why is it always 9:41?
Apple Watch’s Silent Alarm.
Apple seeks an Evangelist.
Matt Does Jony.
The MacMedics
If you have an issue for the MadMedics please email us and we’ll see if we can offer a diagnosis.
Worth a Tweet:
Karl: Suffolk Mac Users Group
Matt: BookArc for Mac Pro
Alan: ScreenFlow 5
Serenak (via Chatroom): Teleport
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Theme Music by: Russ Clewett
News Roundup read by: Missy
Additional music from: